Monday, September 19, 2011

Across the Ages...

 published by Exley Publications [UK] 1997
published by Exley Gifts [US] 1997

I will be Still & Steady
''If, like a Cherokee warrior, I can look at the new year as an opportunity to stand on new ground, then strength and courage are on my side.  I will remember that things do work out, bodies do heal, relationships mend - not because I said it, but because I BELIEVE it''.  [Joyce Sequichie Hifler]

Every day is the start of a new year if we want it to be, a chance to reflect, to make sure we take a stand for all that is right and good, and that the best of our Self shows up each day...  Believe in yourself, believe in the flourishing of the future.

''But it is time to make things right, to stay on the path.  As water runs fresh and free from the woodland spring, so new life and meaning will bubble up from my own inner source.  I will be still and steady, because there is nothing to be gained by showing fear in a chaotic world''. [Joyce Sequichie Hifler]

& the nugget of wisdom here - trust your inner knowing, pausing to gather thought before reacting...  If we don't we are contributing to the chaos - how do you want to show up in life, how do you want life to respond to you?

Let your Love and Light Radiate - it makes the world a brighter place!


  1. BeveDee
    I want to show up and say hello, and thank-you for your beautiful post today! Much love my dear!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog. What a wonderful reminder to listen to our inner thoughts! I have found that it is usually pretty spot on...if I listen!

  3. So true! Think before you react. I have been guilty too many times of reacting before thinking about the situation and end up with my foot in my mouth. I also like the idea that tomorrow can be a new year. We don't have to wait until New Year's Day to make new goals, we can start tomorrow fresh. Thanks for stopping by my site earlier.
