Now, where are all the female luminaries in my list of inspiring books / authors below?!!! Bar Louise Hay, who has saved my troubled self a few times and led the way gently through the dark; truth be told, until I got the link this year to Katherine Woodward Thomas and Claire Zammit's awe inspiring Feminine Power audio I did not even know there was such a thing as female co-creating, spiritual liberators! I did not seek them out from my false masculine perception that they would be too soft compared to the more masculine 'go get' inspirations I had been subscribing to!
I stand corrected - if you are tired of the ways of the masculine dominated world we live in look no further than http://femininepower.com/telecourse/download as a starting point. Do yourself a favour and sign up for this no fee life changing gift.
Thanks for stopping by! What's your list of top five inspirations?
Let you love and light radiate
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